How to Upload and Analyze PDF Files Using Chat GPT: A Step-by-Step Guide

Are you looking for a convenient way to upload and analyze PDF files? This tutorial will guide you through the process using Chat GPT, an advanced language model. We'll also introduce, a free alternative that utilizes the power of the GPT 3.5 API.

Step 1: Uploading a PDF File

To get started, make sure you have a PDF file you want to analyze. Chat GPT offers a plugin specifically designed for PDF analysis, but it requires a subscription. However, with, you can enjoy the same functionality without any cost.

Step 2: Using allows you to upload PDF files of up to 120 pages, with a limit of three uploads per day. The free version also allows you to ask up to 50 questions per day. This provides ample opportunities for exploring and extracting information from your PDF documents.

Step 3: Analyzing and Interacting with the PDF

Once you've uploaded your PDF file, you can start asking questions about its content. Simply enter your query in the search bar provided by The platform leverages the Chat GPT API to generate responses based on the contents of the PDF. This feature is immensely valuable for research, learning, and data analysis purposes.

Here is a summary of the key points:

  • The video tutorial demonstrates how to upload a PDF file to Chat GPT for analysis.
  • is a free alternative to the Chat GPT Plus subscription.
  • Users can upload PDF files of up to 120 pages and ask up to 50 questions per day.
  • utilizes the Chat GPT API to generate responses based on the PDF's contents.
  • The tutorial shows how to upload a PDF file and search for information by asking questions in the search bar.


Q: What are the advantages of using over Chat GPT's PDF analysis plugin?

A: provides a free alternative to Chat GPT's subscription-based PDF analysis plugin. It allows users to upload PDF files, ask questions, and receive responses without any cost. This makes it a convenient option for those who want to analyze PDFs without a subscription.

Q: How many questions can I ask per day using

A: With's free version, users can ask up to 50 questions per day. This provides ample opportunities to extract information and gain insights from the uploaded PDF files.

Q: Can I upload large PDF files to

A: allows users to upload PDF files of up to 120 pages. This size limit ensures that you can analyze substantial documents and extract the necessary information from them.

Q: How does generate responses based on the PDF's contents?

A: utilizes the Chat GPT API to analyze the uploaded PDF files. By leveraging the power of the GPT 3.5 API, the platform can generate accurate and informative responses to the questions asked about the PDF's content.

Q: Can be used for research and data analysis purposes?

A: Absolutely! is an excellent tool for researchers and data analysts. It allows them to upload PDF files, ask questions, and receive responses that can aid in their research, learning, and data analysis endeavors.

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